the courage to be amazing

by Ed Halmagyi


As many of you may know, I do what I can to help Bear Cottage, the kids’ hospice and respite care centre based in Manly. Bear Cottage is the kind of place that no one wants to have a requirement for, but that everyone wants to have available should that terrible need ever arise. At Bear Cottage you’ll meet the most extraordinary men and women who devote their time and careers to providing the best possible care to some very sick boys and girls.

When one of the nurses gave me a call on the weekend and explained that there was a clever little boy staying in house at the moment who was a mad keen cook, I packed some boxes of equipment and headed on down. In the kitchen I was lucky enough to meet 7 year-old Levi and his family (including his little brother James who gives new meaning to the idea of being talkative!!!). An unsolvable heart condition has made things difficult for Levi, but has in no way sapped his enthusiasm for creating food, especially if it means using his favourite ingredient….lemons.

And so Levi and I spent a couple of hours creating a magnificent Lemon Meringue Pie…well, to be honest, Levi did it while I supervised. He even got to use the blowtorch to make the delicious crust.

There are thousands of kids like Levi, kids in your own community who need our help. So why not start the new year in the best of ways. Dip into your pocket and make a donation to help ensure that this vital care is available whenever it’s unfortunately required. Donating is easy to do online, you can just click here. From myself, the Bear Cottage team and the families who pass through the centre….thank you.